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Bloggfærslur mánaðarins, maí 2010

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Cholera claims seven lives in Kapenguria

Written By:KBC Reporter , Posted: Sun, May 02, 2010

Seven people are believed to have died in the past few days in Kapenguria in West Pokot following a cholera outbreak that has so far claimed over 30 lives.

Kapenguria Member of Parliament Philip Murgor is now appealing to the government and other organizations to assist in curbing the spread of the disease.

At least 150 cholera patients are undergoing treatment across several health centres in west Pokot district.

However two of the patients are said to have succumbed while receiving treatment while five others died in separate villages in Kapenguria.

With the current rains continuing to pound the area and creating a conducive environment for the spread of the disease, most health facilities are overstretched beyond capacity forcing health institution to offer treatment under trees in a desperate bid to save lives.

Murgor who footed medical bills for over 40 patients at Chepareria sub-district hospital and Chepkobegh health centre thanked World Vision which has donated drugs worth over 900 000 shillings to health facilities in the area.

The MP also paid the salary of 20 nurses and asked the government to deploy more health personnel in the region to mitigate the acute shortage of medical practitioners in the area.

He appealed to residents to observe hygienic standards including boiling drinking water and use of latrines to avoid spread of water borne diseases.


Fanney og Fjölnir í Kenýu
Fanney og Fjölnir í Kenýu
Störfum og lifum sem kristniboðar í Pokot, Kenýa

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